Attendance and Punctuality
Our attendance figure is currently significantly below the national figure of 96%. In order to ensure that our overall attendance and punctuality improves we have no alternative but to take the advice of our Governors, to bring in tougher penalties for families taking holidays during school time and other unauthorised absence. So, in line with The Bradford and Keighley Catholic School Partnership the following guidelines will be applied.
Holidays in Term Time
Family holidays must not be booked during school time. If parents decide to take a holiday or extended leave in term time, the school will request that Children's Services issue a Penalty Notice under section 444 of the Education Act 1996. The penalty is £160 if paid within 28 days of receipt, however a discounted rate of £80 will apply if the fine is paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice may result in prosecution in the Magistrates Court.
Medical Issues
- Medical and dental appointments must be made out of school time except those children who we know have a medical care plan.
- If hospital appointments have to be made in school time appointment cards/letters must be submitted to school one week prior to the appointment and copies will be kept on your child's file.
All children should be on the playground when the doors open at 8:40am. Children coming into the front door (after 8:50am) will be logged late and attendance procedures will be triggered.
Whilst these sanctions may sound quite harsh, it is in line with most schools in the Bradford & Keighley area. Our consistent message to you, as parents, is that "Every Day Counts" and that high attendance is essential in order to ensure that all our children achieve their full potential.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs C A Utting
Local Authority Leaflets
Penalty Notices Leaflet
download_for_offlinePenalty Notices Leaflet
- Persistent Abscence Leaflet download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePersistent Abscence Leaflet
- School Attendance Leaflet download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSchool Attendance Leaflet
- Persistent Abscence Leaflet download_for_offline