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St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

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At St. Clare’s, our maths curriculum is designed to provide children with the opportunity to expand upon and develop their mental maths skills and prepare them for the wide variety of problem-solving opportunities that they will encounter in their lives.

The school is on a 3-year journey working alongside the Maths Hub to adopt a Mastery approach throughout school. Mastery involves knowing how and why the mathematics works. It means being able to use mathematics knowledge in new and unfamiliar situations.

Our intentions in Maths are for children to:

  • See themselves as mathematicians.
  • Have a deep understanding of core concepts.
  • Be able to use number flexibly and fluently.
  • Be able to reason mathematically – thinking logically and working systematically and accurately.
  • Have the appetite and resilience to tackle and solve problems.
  • Develop a mathematical vocabulary and the ability to communicate their thinking and understanding.


We teach the EYFS and National Curriculum and use White Rose Schemes of Learning as a   planning tool.  All teaching is informed by NCETM materials, which support teachers in building deep understanding of core concepts at each stage of the children’s learning. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year-by-year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. We therefore prioritise as key learning Number, addition and subtraction; multiplication and division and Fractions and are committed to giving the children the time they need to achieve mastery in these areas. Mathematical vocabulary is also broken down by year group.

We expect most children to move through this programme of study at broadly the same pace. Teachers will make decisions about when to progress based on the security of children’s understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage.

Teaching is underpinned by the importance of mathematics and most children can succeed in learning mathematics in line with national expectations for the end of each key stage. The whole class is taught mathematics together, where learning needs of individual pupils are addressed through careful scaffolding, skilful questioning and appropriate intervention in order to provide the necessary support and challenge. If a child has a SEND need and cannot learn within whole class maths teaching, they will receive a personalised learning plan in discussion with the SENDCo.


Foundation & KS1 Mathematics at St Clare’s:


Mathematic lessons in EYFS are based on the White Rose units and schemes of learning. The NCETM spine materials are referred to for the progression of each key idea within the White Rose scheme of learning.

Each week, the children take part in 4 lessons planned from these units, with 2 objectives/themes covered each week. From these lessons, 2 focused activities are delivered to children in small groups.  

As stated in the EYFS statutory guidance 2021, the focussed activities are not evidenced and written work is not recorded because we know that recording is not age appropriate, and photo taking stops the adult from facilitation and extending learning. 

After each lesson, all staff in the EYFS complete the marking and feedback log. Children who need extra support are identified and same day interventions are delivered.  

In addition to the White Rose lessons, the children also take part in a weekly 'number of the week' session where they learn about the oneness of one, the twoness of two etc... the children complete a weekly follow up sheet which is evidenced in their learning journal. Number formation is also a focus of this lesson. 

Maths learning can be seen all around the EYFS classroom. Shape, space and measure can be seen in the construction, small world and water area all the time. Counting and numberwork can be seen in areas of the indoor and outdoor classroom. Adults working with children will continually support their maths learning through discussion and ‘in the moment’ challenges.  

When assessing whether an individual child is at the expected level of development, practitioners draw on their knowledge of the child and their own expert professional judgement (Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, 2021).

Year 1

Mathematic lessons in Year 1 follow the White Rose schemes of learning.

Each week, the pupils take part in 4 whole class inputs focussing on a particular theme of maths learning.

The first input is a carpet only session that introduces new learning to the pupils, as well as revisiting and consolodating previous learning.

The subsequent 3 inputs delivered throughout the week develop this new learning further and are followed by a maths focus task and 2 provision activities.

The focus tasks are delivered to pupils in groups of 6 with the class teacher. In these groups pupils can be challenged further with an ‘extend’ question to deepen their mathmatical understanding.

At the end of the week all pupils will have completed a maths focus task with the classroom teacher and 2 provision activities. All 3 activities are evidenced in books through pupil work and/or photos.

Maths learning can be seen around the Year 1 classroom through our continuous provision approach.

Year 2

Planning and Assessment 

Mathematic lessons in Year 2 follow the White Rose schemes of learning.

4 lessons are delivered and evidenced in books each week.

Pupils in Year 2 first develop their arithmetic skills through whole class inputs using individual whiteboards. When they are ready, 1 arithmetic lesson will be delivered each week and evidenced in pupils’ books. This will begin around the Spring Term.

Pupils have the opportunity to further explore what they are taught in their maths lessons within the provision area. Learning Challenges and independent maths provision activities are then evidenced in books, where appropriate. 

White Rose end of unit assessments are completed and stapled into books. These are then used as an intervention guide and sticky knowledge.

Past SATS papers are completed termly in Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 1.

During the lesson

Sticky knowledge and common misconceptions are addressed during the class input on the carpet orally and through learning challenges in provision which are then evidenced in books.

Each lesson includes elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving for all pupils. Questions are stuck into the left hand side of pupils’ book so that their answers can be written alongside when appropriate.

Each lesson should offer a challenge within greater depth to show secure understanding of the structures of the mathematics within the concept being taught. This may be labelled Challenge.

Pupils are introduced to TTRS in Year 2 and have the opportunity to practice their time tables using the application within provision, as appropriate.

Marking and Feedback

Teachers mark pupils’ work. Small tick for correct /dot for incorrect.

S to signal if a child has received support.

I to signal if a child has then continued working independently after receiving initial support.  

In Spring term, pupils begin to self-mark in green pen.

Children are identified for same day intervention. Intervention work is done on whiteboards with teaching assistant.


KS2 Mathematics at St. Clare’s

Planning and Assessment 

  • 4 one hour lessons from WRM per week
  • 1 arithmetic session per week (documented in children’s books)
  • Daily times tables practice – this does not need to be evidenced in books.
  • WRM end of unit assessments to be completed and stapled into books. These are then used as an intervention guide and/or sticky knowledge
  • NTS to be completed termly autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2 (Yr. 6 appropriate SATS papers)
  • Each lesson should offer a challenge question for the GD pupils – question to be titled -Challenge


During the lesson

  1. Sticky knowledge or common Misconceptions – approx. 4 questions to be documented in the book – sub-heading SK or MC
  2. Each lesson to include elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving (amount dependent on subject/class) these do not need to have sub-headings. Questions in books using snipping tool and written in books alongside when appropriate (do not print and stick the whole WRM sheet, use appropriately for your pupils).
  3. Modelling of reasoning and problem solving within the lesson
  4. Each lesson should offer a challenge within greater depth to show secure understanding of the structures of the mathematics within the concept being taught. This may be labelled Challenge.
  5. S to signal if a child has received support


Marking and Feedback

  • Pupils to self-mark in green pen but marking and feedback sheets to be completed by the teacher.
  • Small tick for correct /dot for incorrect all in green pen followed by the correct answer.
  • Children to be identified for same day intervention and documented on the whole class feedback sheet.
  • Evidence of same day intervention within books under the subheading – Intervention

Fluency with essential number facts, especially times tables, is developed through chanting at various times in the day and further practice and challenge is enjoyed using the ‘TTRockstars’ and ‘Numbots’ programme.


mathematics national curriculum and mapping.pdf


We will measure the impact of our Maths curriculum by:

  • Using a range of on-going, daily formative assessment strategies and holding same-day interventions, where necessary.
  • Using end of unit teacher assessment of Maths
  • Administering summative assessments using NTS tests (3 x per year)
  • Monitoring the progress from year to year and key stage to key stage to ensure pupils remain ‘on track’ from their starting points.
  • Monitoring exercise books for clear evidence of a range of mathematical activities for all children; appropriate challenge for all; children’s developing ability to work systematically, present their work clearly and communicate their thinking and findings; the impact of in lesson and whole class feedback.
  • Trust ‘data drops’ occur half termly focussing on previous SATs papers.  

Children will make good progress from their own personal starting points. By the end of Year Six they will have developed a deep and secure understanding of the core concepts which will enable them to progress confidently to the next stage of their learning and acquired a life-long interest and enthusiasm for Mathematics.