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St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

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Support for Parents

Here are some great websites you can use at home to explore and enjoy science with your children:

BBC Bitesize

*100 Easy Science Experiments for Kids to do at Home


SEND in Science

Many strategies are used within the classroom and science lessons to support children with SEND such as mixed ability grouping, vocabulary mats, scaffolding and adult support.  Our children with EHCP's take part in science based activities in our SEND provision, these activities are tailored to the children's specific needs.


Science Fun at Home

Science at home is a collection of fun activities you can  do at home with your children.  They require little or no resources and are a way of having fun and learning at the same time.


When you complete an activity take a photo and send it to school using our school email account,







PSQM Award

We are proud that St. Clare's holds the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) Award.

This award is the only national scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools. The award shows that children are engaging in great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science, as well as securing science understanding and skills. 


At St Clare's, we have designed our science curriculum to develop a sense of excitement, curiosity and fascination about the world that will remain with the children for the rest of their lives. We want children to gain an understanding of scientific processes and an awareness of the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.  From Reception to Year 6, our pupils will build a foundation of key knowledge and concepts, as well as develop skills in scientific enquiry and questioning. We actively encourage children to be inquisitive and develop their natural curiosity, whilst increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world.   The aim is for scientific enquiry to form a common thread through the curriculum, helping children to understand that science is just as much about what they do as about what they know.


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in science, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the school.   We provide our children with a broad and balanced curriculum.  These encompass the scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.  These topics are revisited and developed throughout school. This allows children to review their prior knowledge, make sure it is secure and build upon it.  Knowledge Organisers highlight the key concepts which we would like all children to have learnt by the end of the topic. This approach embeds science knowledge and understanding into the long-term memory of learners.

Our progression of skills in science starts in Understanding the World in the Early Years and ends in Upper Key Stage 2. It progresses through the following areas of skill:

  • Fair and comparative testing
  • Observing over time
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Pattern seeking
  • Research


For an outline of topics featuring science objectives taught across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

We aim to encourage the children to become successful scientists by developing:

  • A genuine fascination in science and a real sense of curiosity about the world.
  • Progressive, specialist scientific vocabulary which is appropriate and accurate and which develops from EYFS to KS1 and through to KS2;
  • Confidence in asking questions, thinking of  ways to answer them and research skills;
  • Independence, resilience and creativity in problem solving;
  • Ability to plan and carry out different types of investigation;
  • Ability to use scientific equipment appropriately and take accurate measurements.
  • Effective analysis of evidence, the ability to draw conclusions, explain reasons and evaluate; 
  • Communication skills, in order to record and present scientific ideas and understanding to a range of audiences using Oracy skills.


Through our curriculum the children will demonstrate:

  • Enthusiasm, enjoyment and excitement about science
  • Curiosity about the world around them which will stay with them lifelong.
  • A questioning and inquisitive mind.
  • Investigation skills which will be used across the curriculum.
  • Language skills which are rich in scientific language.
  • Aspirations to follow a career based in science.