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St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

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Mini Vinnies

I will always welcome joyfully any opportunity that comes my way to be of service to you.     Saint Vincent de Paul

Mini Vinnies at St. Clare's Catholic Primary

Welcome to the Mini Vinnies page of St. Clare's Catholic Primary. Our Mini Vinnies programme is a significant aspect of our school community, where we inspire and encourage our students to put their 'Faith In Action'. We believe that the Mini Vinnies programme is a wonderful opportunity for your children to develop a strong sense of social responsibility, empathy, and understanding.

At St. Clare's, we encourage our students to 'See', 'Think', and 'Do'. We want them to 'See' the needs around them, 'Think' of ways they can help, and then 'Do' something about it. The Mini Vinnies programme provides a platform for our students to act on these principles, enabling them to make a real difference in our community. Through various activities and initiatives, they learn to recognise the needs of others and respond in meaningful and compassionate ways.

Join us in supporting our Mini Vinnies as they continue to put their 'Faith In Action'. With your support, we can help our students continue to 'See', 'Think', and 'Do' for the benefit of our community. We are proud of the positive impact our Mini Vinnies have had so far, and we look forward to seeing how they will continue to embody the values of St. Clare's Catholic Primary in the future.



Mini Vinnies 



Harvest Festival

We supported the Bradford North Food bank with our harvest donations