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St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

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School Uniform

We are very proud of how smart our children always look in their school uniform and we are strict in our expectations that all should fully adhere to it. This includes shoes and PE kit.

We ask that all uniform is very clearly labelled with the child’s name as items often go missing and are easier to find if they have names on.

Children eligible for Pupil Premium funding are entitled to free school uniform – please enquire at the front office about this.

PE Uniform .

On PE days we allow the children to come to school in their PE uniform. 

PE kit is plain black joggers or shorts and a plain white t-shirt, plain black pumps or trainers.


Items of school uniform with the school Logo on can be purchased from

Natasha's School Uniform Shop

37 Westgate, Bradford BD1 2QT

01274 724676

Please read our school uniform policy for more information 

School Uniform Policy