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St. Clare's Catholic Primary School

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The School Day


We ask all parents to ensure that children arrive in time for the start of the school day. School starts at 8:45am. Late arrival can be very unsettling for children and will also cause them to miss significant parts of their learning if they are not present for the beginning of lessons.  

Classes are dismissed at 15:15 from the class room doors . We do not after provision to supervise children after this time, so please make sure your child/children are collected promptly . 



School Attendance

 Attendance registers are taken at the beginning of each morning and afternoon session. In line with Government regulations, where a pupil is absent from school, the attendance register must also now show whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised. In view of this, it is essential that the school knows the reason why your child is absent for any session.


Marking Registers

 The Attendance Register must be marked during time set aside in the timetable at the start of each morning and afternoon session. Classroom doors are open at 8:45am morning registers are taken at 8:55am. The afternoon sessions begin at 12:45pm for Key Stage 1 and 1:15pm for Key Stage 2.



Pupils who arrive late will have the register marked accordingly. Registers close at 9:25am. If a pupil arrives after 9:25am they have lost their attendance mark for that morning, which then affects their overall attendance figure. A record is kept at the School Office and all children who arrive late must report to the Office. Their time of arrival and the reason for being late will be noted. Children who have to leave school early, for whatever reason, should also advise the School Office. Where a child arrives during the session, but outside the registration period, the absence mark will be amended to indicate that the child is present in school but legally absent.